where we work

Africa | Orphan's Promise


Africa is one of the most beautiful, and most heart-breaking regions of the world. The African people are beautiful, strong, and resilient,  but they are also stuck in a desperate cycle of poverty and generations of families have been destroyed by illness and violence. Africa’s children suffer incredible hardship, and for many, this life is all they have ever known.

It doesn’t have to stay this way.

We believe God has a plan and a purpose for every child in Africa, and we know He has called us to help them thrive regardless of how difficult their lives may be. Through education centers coupled with nutritious feeding programs, we are seeing the children of Africa come alive and begin to thrive. God is doing a new thing for the African people. He has a better future in store for them.

We currently operate 52 projects in 18 countries throughout Africa, reaching 24,000 children every single day.



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Asia Pacific

Orphan’s Promise is hard at work bringing hope to orphans and at-risk children in the Asia-Pacific region of the world.

For many in the western world, the Asia-Pacific region is a complete mystery. Located on the other side of the world, these countries have tremendous natural beauty but are plagued by desperate poverty due to widespread lack of education, lack of infrastructure, and lack of opportunities.

Our work in this region is focused on ensuring that orphans and at-risk children find a safe, loving environment, and receive the nutrition they need to be successful in school. Similar to every region where we work, education is the key to a brighter future. In countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and India, we have opportunities to step into the lives of vulnerable children, helping them find hope for the future. Education programs, coupled with nutritional feeding efforts, have shown tremendous results.

In conjunction with our education initiatives, Superbook Clubs allow us to bring the Gospel message of hope in Christ to children from predominantly non-Christian nations. We currently operate 74 projects in 12 countries, reaching 6,700 children with love and hope.



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Latin America | Orphan's Promise

Latin America

With 56 projects in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Guatemala, our Latin American projects reach into communities mired in deep poverty, offering a hand up to children and families in need. Poverty is a problem that exists in every corner of the world, but love is a solution that transcends borders, cultures and languages. With every meal that is served, every backpack full of school supplies distributed, and every prayer that is prayed, lives are transformed.

We reach more than 6,700 children every year in 15 countries throughout Latin America. Our impact in the Latin America region continues to grow year over year, and the privilege of watching children unlock their futures remains priceless.


  • Orphan's Promise | Latin America


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USA | Orphan's Promise


While we’ve been blessed and honored to take our message of love and hope to the nations, we are always mindful of children here in our own country who are struggling through difficult circumstances. While the foster care system in the US makes it difficult to take a more hands-on approach to orphan care here at home, we operate 11 strategic programs which are aimed at loving and serving children in vulnerable situations.

With projects focused on after-school tutoring to ensure academic success, and anti-trafficking to ensure safety from abuse and exploitation, our USA programs are a source of hope for children and families in desperate need of assistance. With the number of families and children relying on welfare and free school-lunch programs constantly on the rise, the need for Orphan’s Promise to love and serve our surrounding communities will only increase in the coming years.


  • USA | Orphan's Promise


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Middle East | Orphan's Promise

Middle East

The Middle East is a region of the world that has been in turmoil for decades. As the divide between religious people groups has widened, the number of orphaned and at-risk children has simultaneously grown exponentially.

With thousands of refugee families driven from their homes by the threat of violence and war, it is the region’s children who suffer the most. Many have lost one or both parents, and for those living in refugee settlements, everything they have ever known has been taken from them.

In the Middle East, we meet fear and brokenness with love and compassion. We know that every child and family we meet may not share our beliefs, but we are commanded to love them, and it is our privilege to do so.

While we can’t discuss the specifics of our work in this region due to safety concerns, we work with partners on the ground to facilitate educational opportunities, Bible classes, and programs aimed at healing cultural divides. Every day we are witnessing the Gospel bring hope and stability to one of the world’s most unstable regions.


  • Middle East | Orphan's Promise


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Ukraine | Orphan's Promise

Europe - Central Asia

Ukraine is not only in the heart of Europe, it is the birthplace of Orphan’s Promise. Following our Founder’s adoption of three girls from Berdyansk, she felt called to serve the children in orphanages who had not been adopted. In Ukraine, as in many countries around the world, when orphans reach 15 years of age, they are no longer allowed to remain in an orphanage. They are forced out into the world, unprepared for life beyond the orphanage.

In an effort to fill this gap in the orphan care model, Orphan’s Promise began establishing training centers around the country, where aged-out orphans learned necessary life skills like English, computers, and trades, along with receiving emotional support and spiritual discipleship. Today, we run 19 training centers throughout Ukraine, where hundreds of children are building the foundation for their futures.

Throughout Europe in countries like Bosnia, Bulgaria, and Romania our training centers and outreach programs offer at-risk youths an opportunity to learn in safe, loving environments. They learn English and computer skills and study the Bible. They receive warm, nutritious meals and develop healthy relationships with other children from similar situations. In addition to training centers, we have a large number of other programs throughout Ukraine, including, but not limited to pre-schools, homes for single mothers, community health clinics, children’s homes, and schools.

In countries such as Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, we’re giving children a safe place to live and learn, while also helping to put families back together through our Keeping Families Together (KFT) program. Every child belongs in a safe, loving, family environment and our work in this part of the world is making that possible.


  • Ukraine | Orphan's Promise


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We are currently operating more than 450 projects in 70+ countries in 7 geographical regions of the world. There are 143 Million orphaned and at-risk children in the world today, and there are needs everywhere. We receive hundreds of applications for new projects every year and a board reviews each application and determines whether or not the program is in alignment with our mission and our values. We also take budget and fundraising into account when considering new projects. We want the work of Orphan’s Promise to be deep and impactful, rather than wide and superficial.


education is the key to ending the world's orphan crisis

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if you can't feed a hundred people feed just one

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raise them up in the way they should go...

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where you live should not determine whether you succeed or fail.

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strong families

the love of a family is life's greatest blessing

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people are not possessions. children are not commodities.

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over 100,000+ children served every year

we work in over 70+ countries

operating over 450+ projects

over 1 million nutritious meals and snacks served

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